
1. Rat thinks chewing gum right up close to the mic qualifies as “noise” or vocals, not sure which

2. the left knee of KRAMER’s jeans was perfectly fine until he started playing… it spontaneously took a turn for the 90s

3. see Rat casually wander by embracing an amp that would have been in the audience if the cord was any longer

4. I got to slam the headstock of Rat’s SG into the stage a couple times when he took a break from playing guitar to dry hump an amp

5. see Rat scurry back to the amps on all fours to prevent some unknowable disaster from continuing

6. see KRAMER shake Rat’s hand saying, “Nice job. See you next year!”

Debut of Jean Smith’s short story “What Ever Happened to Her?” — lyrics for a 12 song album recorded and produced by Ray Bastard at the Laundry Room in Miami Beach, February 19 to March 5, 2013 with special guests Bill Whelan (Bullet Lavolta), Beatriz Monteavaro (Holly Hunt), Gavin Perry (Holly Hunt), Sharlyn Evertsz, Steven Bristol, Brad Lovett, KRAMER and Mister Entertainment (Steve Toth).